I am very concerned about this topic. I am writing this blog post to share what I've learned with those of you that eat a lot of fresh foods or meats thinking that you are doing your body good by doing so.
Just eating fresh fruits and vegetables without monitoring where they are coming from or how they are grown can result in less than you'd expect from a health perspective. Same goes with buying regular coffee versus organic! There are a lot of great articles on this area that provide some insight about what to buy organic or grass fed versus what you don't have to worry about buying organic when you are looking for healthy whole food options.
California law has a pretty good handle on what is going on with pesticides and the harm they cause to people's health and reproductive organs. They have enacted something called Proposition 65, which requires manufacturers of not only food but also house products and other goods to label their products with warnings if they in fact contain a chemical deemed to be "carcinogenic" or dangerous to your health.
California has even gone as far as to sue big coffee chains such as Starbucks for not placing such warnings on their products containing acrylamide which has been linked with cancer: